Cardiff Social Club Remains Boarded Up Four Years After Community Centre Approval
The Grangetown Conservative Club in Cardiff has been unused for years despite plans to convert it into a community centre.
Cardiff, Wales, Grangetown Conservative Club, Community Centre, Social Clubs
Cardiff: A former social club in the city has been sitting boarded up for ages. It was supposed to become a community centre, but nothing has happened since the council gave the green light back in August 2020.
They had big plans for the place, including some extensions, but it seems like those plans have just stalled. It’s a bit of a letdown, really.
One local resident even raised concerns about parking when the plans were first proposed. They pointed out that with a mosque and a church nearby, parking would be a nightmare.
They mentioned that there just aren’t enough spaces for all the extra traffic that would come with the community centre. The council did say that construction had to start within five years of the approval, but so far, nothing.
The Grangetown Conservatives Club has been empty for quite some time now. Metal shutters are covering the windows, making it look even more abandoned.
Developers can ask for more time to get things moving, but it looks like no one has even tried to do that yet. It’s a shame because there are so many social clubs in Cardiff that have closed down over the years.
Just down the road, the Grangetown Catholic Club shut its doors in November 2022. The club on Corporation Road had been around since 1898, so it’s sad to see it like this.
Last year, plans were approved to demolish the old social club to make way for social housing. It’s a mixed bag of news, really, as the community could use more spaces like this.