The big changes people in Cardiff could face as council looks to cut costs

Big Changes Ahead for Cardiff Residents as Council Plans Cost Cuts

Cardiff Council is considering significant changes to services and fees to address a budget shortfall


Cardiff, Wales, Council, Budget, Cost Cuts, Social Care, Parking, Education

Cardiff: The council is looking to make some big changes that could affect many residents. They’re facing a budget gap and might need to cut costs in various areas.

Next year, some folks who currently get help with care home fees might have to chip in a bit more. This is part of the council’s budget plan for 2025-26, which they’ll discuss soon.

They need to save around £23.4 million, which is a lot less than the £60 million they thought they’d need to cut. They’re planning to save money by trimming back on some services and possibly reducing staff through voluntary severance.

One of the proposals includes changing how they run certain services and possibly charging more for them. For example, if someone wants to move into a care home that costs more than what the council is willing to pay, they might have to cover the extra themselves.

There’s also talk about increasing the cost of parking permits, which could go up from £30 to £35 for the first one. And if you’re looking at burial or cremation services, those might see a price hike too.

Adult education fees are on the table for an increase as well. The council has been subsidizing these courses, but with fewer people signing up, they’re looking to raise the cost from £7.10 to £7.85 per hour.

School meal prices might go up too, with options for a 10p, 15p, or 20p increase. They’re asking parents what they think about this in a survey.

As for council tax, they’re considering an increase but haven’t set a specific amount yet. They want to know if residents would prefer a higher tax to keep services running or a lower tax that might lead to cuts.

All these proposals will be discussed in a consultation starting January 9, and the final decisions will be made in February. It’s a lot to take in, but it’s important for everyone to have their say.

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