Proposed changes to Thatcham Memorial Playing Fields Flood Alleviation Scheme sparks public backlash

Public Outcry Over Proposed Changes to Thatcham Flood Alleviation Scheme

Residents are voicing strong objections to changes in Thatcham’s flood defense plans, fearing restricted access to local green spaces.


Thatcham, Flood Alleviation Scheme, West Berkshire Council, Public Access, Community Concerns

Thatcham: Residents are really upset about some proposed changes to the flood defense work happening in their area. These changes are almost done, but now there’s a plan to put up a fence with lockable gates at the Memorial Playing Fields.

People are worried that if this goes through, it’ll block their access to the fields and other parts of town. In a letter to the council, the consulting engineers mentioned that the fence is meant to separate the flood alleviation area from the land that will still be used after the project wraps up.

They also said they tried to make this change without much fuss, but the council said no way. They pointed out that footpaths and access are big issues for the community, and they’re right about that.

So far, 19 objections have popped up on the council’s planning portal. One resident said it’s crucial for the public to have access to this green space for their health and well-being. Another person mentioned that blocking access to important services, like doctors, is just not fair.

There are also worries that these gates might not be opened often, which has happened with other entrances in the area. The revised plans show two gates on either side of the field, but the footpath from Beverly Close is still closed, even though it looks open on the plans.

At a recent planning meeting, Thatcham Town Council recommended refusing the proposal. The committee chairman pointed out that while the engineers think the changes are minor, the residents feel differently. They want to know why the gates are even necessary.

Originally, the flood defense plans included a condition to keep the connectivity of the field for residents intact. The chairman of the Thatcham Memorial Foundation mentioned that the fence is needed to mark the retained fields and the area being sold to the council, but it’s still unclear how often the gates will be open for everyone.

The decision on this application is expected soon, so folks are keeping a close eye on it.

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