No bail for accused getaway driver in suburban murder

No Bail for Accused Getaway Driver in Suburban Murder Case

A man remains in custody after allegedly aiding a gunman in a suburban murder


Sydney, Australia, David Khou, Romeo Shoker, Murder, Organised Crime

Sydney: A man is starting the new year behind bars. Romeo Shoker, 25, is accused of helping a gunman who shot and killed a man outside his home.

He didn’t even ask for bail during his court appearance in Parramatta. So, he’ll stay in custody for now.

Shoker faces serious charges, including being an accessory to murder. He allegedly helped a gunman who shot a man multiple times in Sydney’s southwest on Sunday evening.

The victim, David Khou, was just leaving his family home when he was attacked. Sadly, he died right there, despite neighbors trying to help.

Shoker’s next court date is set for February 27, and he’s also in trouble for not providing his identity to the police.

The shooter took off in a white Audi, which was later found on fire. Police believe Shoker was the one driving the getaway car.

Detective Superintendent Daniel Doherty described the situation as tragic, especially given Khou’s connections to organized crime.

According to police, the motive behind the murder likely involves drugs and greed. They’ve seen this kind of violence before, and it often leads to tragic outcomes.

Detective Doherty emphasized that no one deserves to be shot outside their home, regardless of their past. It’s a heartbreaking situation for Khou’s family.

Police are putting a lot of resources into this investigation, especially since it happened during the festive season. They’re also working to prevent any retaliation.

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