Neighbour’s ‘annoying’ wheelie bin act sparks anger: ‘Not safe’

Sydney Neighbour’s Wheelie Bin Blunder Sparks Outrage: Is It Really Unsafe?

A Sydney resident is fuming over a neighbour’s wheelie bin placement, claiming it blocks safe pedestrian access and poses a danger to the visually impaired.


Sydney, Australia, Wheelie Bin, Pedestrian Safety, Neighbour Dispute

Sydney: So, there’s this ongoing drama in Carlton, where a resident is really ticked off about how their neighbour puts out their wheelie bin. It’s become a big deal, especially since space is tight in these inner-city areas.

This frustrated person moved in last October and has been dealing with the same issue every week. Apparently, the bins are always blocking the crossing, making it tough for people to get around safely.

They even shared a photo online showing two bins right in the way of the footpath. The resident, who is visually impaired, expressed their shock, saying it’s just not safe to cross the road with those bins in the way.

It’s not the first time this kind of thing has caused a stir in Australia. There’s been plenty of chatter about how to properly place bins on the streets, with some councils even weighing in on the debate.

The local council has guidelines saying bins shouldn’t block footpaths or driveways, but it seems these neighbours didn’t get the memo. The frustrated resident even thought about leaving a note on the bins, asking them nicely to move them out of the way.

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