MCZMA approves two-floor expansion for Shah Rukh Khan’s Mannat

MCZMA Approves Two-Floor Expansion for Shah Rukh Khan’s Mannat

The Maharashtra Coastal Zone Management Authority has approved the expansion of Shah Rukh Khan’s iconic bungalow, Mannat, by adding two floors


Shah Rukh Khan, Mannat, Mumbai, India, MCZMA

Mumbai: So, guess what? The MCZMA just gave the thumbs up for Shah Rukh Khan’s Mannat to get a two-floor expansion. How cool is that?

Last month, they discussed a proposal to add some extra space to his famous bungalow. Gauri Khan, SRK’s wife, filed the application on November 9. They want to add two more floors to the annexe.

The meeting notes say they’ll be adding a couple of duplex flats on the 7th and 8th floors. This means Mannat will now have a total of eight residential floors, plus basements. It’s going to be quite the sight!

After some back and forth, the authority decided to recommend the proposal, but with a few conditions. They want to make sure everything follows the rules laid out in the CRZ Notification.

They also mentioned that any debris from the construction shouldn’t end up in the coastal zone. It needs to be handled properly, and all the necessary permissions must be in place before they start building.

Looks like SRK’s home is about to get even more iconic! Can’t wait to see how it turns out.

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