Man finds himself in sticky situation

Man Gets Stuck After Licking Frozen Billboard in Sydney

A man in Sydney’s Pitt St Mall found himself in a hilarious predicament after licking a frozen billboard promoting V Energy drinks


Sydney, Australia, V Energy, Billboard, Ice Sculpture, Pitt St Mall

Sydney: So, there was this guy who thought it would be a cool idea to lick a frozen billboard in Pitt St Mall. You know, just a casual day out, right?

The billboard was part of a promotion for V Energy drinks, and it was a hot, sticky day in the city. I guess he thought it would help him cool off.

But things took a turn when his tongue got stuck to the ice sculpture. Can you imagine? Right in the middle of a busy mall, too!

A security guard had to come over and pour water on his tongue to try and free him. Talk about a sticky situation!

It’s unclear how long he was stuck there, but he seemed to keep his cool while everyone around him was having a good laugh.

Now, there’s a video of the whole thing making the rounds on social media. V Energy even wants to reach out to the guy to give him a little gift.

They joked, saying, “We never thought we’d have to say this, but don’t lick ice sculptures in public.”

So, if you’re ever in Sydney, maybe just stick to drinking V Refresh instead!

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