Landlady of The Famous King and Queen retires after 18 years

Landlady of The Famous King and Queen Retires After 18 Years

Julie Adamson bids farewell to her beloved pub after nearly two decades


Julie Adamson, The Famous King and Queen, Padgate, Pub, Retirement, England

Padgate: Julie Adamson has officially stepped down as the landlady of The Famous King and Queen after 18 memorable years. She started as a bar staff member and quickly moved up to the licensee role.

At 59, she shared that running a pub was always a dream of hers. “I had no experience, but I had worked in pubs before,” she said. When the chance came, she jumped at it.

Julie has been the friendly face of the pub, meeting countless wonderful people over the years. She described the pub as her ‘home from home’ and reflected on the emotional journey of her retirement.

Her last day was on Monday, and she admitted feeling a bit teary about leaving. “I’ve met some amazing people,” she noted, adding that her role felt like being a doctor and counselor all rolled into one.

Now, she plans to take it easy and enjoy some holidays while also waiting for treatment for her arthritis. “I had my leaving party on Saturday night,” she recalled. “It was a lovely but emotional night with lots of cards and gifts.”

Even though she’s stepping back, Julie will still be part of the pub’s weekly dominoes team. She ended with a heartfelt wish for the next owners, saying, “Good luck with the pub!”

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