Improvements planned for notorious A-roads’ corridor from between major Kent towns

Improvements Planned for Notorious A-Roads Corridor in Kent

Kent County Council prioritizes upgrades for key A-roads to ease traffic congestion


Kent, Tunbridge Wells, A264, A228, Transport Plan

Tunbridge Wells: So, it looks like there are some big plans in the works for the A-roads in Kent. You know, those roads that always seem to be jam-packed? Well, the county council is finally stepping up to tackle the traffic issues. They’ve included improvements for the A264 Pembury Road and the A228 in their new Transport Plan.

The goal is to ease the pressure on the busy corridor between West Malling and Tunbridge Wells. It’s about time, right? The council is aware that drivers on the A264 are facing long delays, which is a real pain, especially when it affects trips to the town center.

And get this, the A228 is expected to become even more important soon. With new housing and job opportunities popping up in Paddock Wood, this road will be crucial for all those new journeys. They’re also planning to make things better for public transport, walking, and cycling. Sounds like a win-win!

Now, here’s a fun fact: it’s been 20 years since the idea of a Colts Hill bypass was first proposed. Can you believe it? Residents have been pushing for this for ages, mainly to reduce accidents and congestion on that winding road. Some folks even learned First Aid just to help out when accidents happened!

But, of course, all these improvements depend on funding from developers and the government. The Transport Plan doesn’t have all the details yet, but it’s one of several proposals for local roads in Kent.

Interestingly, when the council asked for public feedback, only a small number of people responded. But those who did had mixed feelings about the A264-A228 proposals. It’s clear that while some folks are on board, others are still skeptical.

Overall, the Transport Plan aims to balance economic growth with environmental concerns. It’s a tricky task, but hopefully, these upgrades will make a real difference for everyone in Kent.

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