Highland Dog Fouling Fines Stats Since 2021 Show Alarming Trends
Only two fines for dog fouling have been issued in the Highlands since 2021, raising concerns among local officials and residents alike
Highland, Scotland, Dog Fouling, Fines, Health Hazard, Community
Even though there have been tons of complaints—about 107 each year—the fines just aren’t happening. As of September 1, 2024, no fines have been issued this year. But the two that were given out? Yep, both were paid.
The council has only one officer dealing with dog fouling, and they’ve got a lot on their plate. They’re also handling abandoned vehicles, littering, and other issues across the region. It’s no wonder fines are so rare.
Local councillor Sarah Atkin pointed out that it’s strange to publicize fines when they’re hardly ever used. She’s planning to raise this issue with the committee chair. Meanwhile, she’s praising community efforts to tackle the problem.
MSP Ariane Burgess chimed in, saying that while most dog owners are responsible, it’s crucial to enforce the law against those who aren’t. The council’s Green Dog Walkers scheme is a good start, but real enforcement is needed too.
Emma Roddick, another MSP, mentioned that it’s disappointing that some dog owners still don’t pick up after their pets. She believes fines might make people think twice, but only if they believe they could get caught.
A council spokesperson explained that they need to witness the offense to issue a fine, which is tough since most fouling happens when officers aren’t on duty. They’ve tried evening patrols, but it hasn’t made much difference.
The council is committed to educating the public and working with communities to reduce dog fouling. They’re putting up posters and increasing patrols in problem areas, hoping to make a dent in this ongoing issue.