Data on Crashes from Aberdeen to Inverness Revealed in New Report
A comprehensive analysis of A96 crash data from 2019 to 2023 highlights the alarming frequency of accidents along this busy route
Aberdeen, Inverness, A96, Accidents, Traffic, Statistics
Aberdeen: The A96 is a major road that connects Aberdeen and Inverness, and it sees a lot of traffic. With all those vehicles, accidents are bound to happen. But we’ve never really had a clear picture of just how many.
So, we decided to dig into the official stats and combine them with our own reporting from the past year. This way, we can give you a better idea of the number of accidents on the A96.
The data we gathered covers the years 2019 to 2023 and includes information on casualties and collisions from the Department for Transport. It’s all based on accidents reported to the police.
Keep in mind that official data can lag behind, so we’ve also included information from our own reporters for 2024 and 2025. This means we’re using what we know from stories we’ve covered.
Most of the stats we have are for collisions involving at least one vehicle and one person getting hurt. These incidents are reported to the police, and then that info goes to the Department for Transport.
Interestingly, the stats don’t just cover cars. They can also include other types of vehicles, like bicycles and even horses.
Each crash is ranked based on how serious it was. We look at the most severely injured person to determine the severity level. This can range from fatal accidents to slight injuries that don’t need medical treatment.
We’ve also created a map showing where these crashes happened from 2019 to 2023. You can see the year of each crash marked by different colors, and if you hover over a marker, you’ll get more details.
We’ve analyzed when these accidents occur, too. We looked at the time of day, as well as the days and months when crashes are most common.
It’s crucial to remember the human side of these collisions. We’ve organized data on how many vehicles were involved in crashes and how many people got hurt over the years.
Our tracker combines data from the UK Government and our own reporters. We’ve used some tech tools to join the data together and filter it specifically for the A96.
We’ll keep sharing updates and stories about the A96 in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for more information!