Barry McGuigan’s heartbreaking eight-word comment about daughter after leaving I’m A Celebrity

Barry McGuigan’s Heartbreaking Comment About His Late Daughter

Barry McGuigan shared an emotional moment about his daughter after leaving I’m A Celebrity, reflecting on his profound loss and memories.


Barry McGuigan, Danika McGuigan, I’m A Celebrity, Cancer, ITV, UK

Derry: Barry McGuigan just left the jungle and it was a tough moment for him. He opened up about his daughter Danika, who sadly passed away in 2019. It was heartbreaking to hear him talk about her on the show.

He was a fan favorite on I’m A Celebrity, but when he got emotional about Danika, it really hit home. She was only 33 when she died from cancer, and Barry shared how quickly it all happened. Just five weeks after her diagnosis, she was gone.

When he hugged his wife Sandra after leaving the show, he said, “I miss my child, I miss my girl.” It was so touching. Sandra replied, “She’d have been here,” and you could feel the love and loss in that moment.

After all that, Barry was shocked to find out he lost a lot of weight in the jungle—seven kilos! He joked about it, saying he was back to championship weight. But then he treated himself to a full English breakfast, saying it tasted amazing and he wasn’t sharing.

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