81 fines in week one

81 Fines Issued in Perth and Kinross During First Week of New Parking Rules

Perth and Kinross saw 81 fines for pavement parking in just one week, highlighting the new enforcement’s impact on local drivers.


Perth, Scotland, Pavement Parking, Fines, Council, Eric Drysdale

Perth: Last week, parking attendants in Perth and Kinross handed out 81 fines for parking on the pavement. Can you believe it? Twenty of those were issued on the very first day the new rules kicked in.

Before this, over 850 warning notices were given to drivers in the area. It seems like the council was serious about getting the word out.

A spokesperson from Perth and Kinross Council mentioned that the fines are working as intended. Councillor Eric Drysdale, who heads the economy and infrastructure committee, said they had a great response from residents, especially in areas where pavement parking has been a big issue.

Now, if you park on the pavement in Perth and Kinross, you could face a £100 fine. But if you pay it within 14 days, it drops to £50. Double parking and blocking dropped kerbs are also no-nos.

The council is keeping an eye on things. If they find certain streets where enforcing the rules doesn’t help pedestrians, they might consider some exemptions.

Mr. Drysdale emphasized that the ban is crucial for people with disabilities and those pushing strollers. It’s all about making it safer and easier for everyone.

There are a few exceptions, like emergency vehicles and delivery drivers who are just stopping for a quick drop-off. But overall, it looks like the council is committed to making the streets safer for all.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/perth-kinross/5160828/perth-and-kinross-81-pavement-parking-fines/